20 Could not decode attachment. For more information on the error, see the Details panel.
21 A sharing violation occurred viewing the attachment.
22 There is no application associated with the given file name extension.\n\nDo you want to use the text editor to look at this file?
23 An error occurred viewing the specified attachment. [Error %d]
24 Addresses are not allowed in the Copy or Blind Copy fields of a Blind Send.\n\nDo you want to send this message to the addresses in the Copy and Blind Copy fields?\n\nPress 'Yes' to move the addresses to the To field.\nPress 'No' to remove the addresses from the message.
25 A filter definition with this name already exists. Please enter a different name.
26 The activation code will expire in %d days.
27 The activation code will expire today.
28 The activation code %s-%s-%s-%s-%s is invalid.
29 You must enter a name.
30 (Locked)
31 Delete the folder '%s' and subfolders?\n\nAll messages stored within will be deleted.
32 The number of groups this user can be associated with has been reached.\n\nBefore you can add this user to another group, you must delete this user from at least one other group.
33 Delete the selection from this group?
34 You must enter a file name.
35 Error opening file: %s
36 Error reading from file: %s
37 Pattern within object
38 Error sending message.\n\nDo you want to return to the Compose view and modify the list of recipients?
39 The mailbox name you entered is already in use.\n\nPlease enter another name.
40 My Folder
41 New Folder
42 Permanently delete selection?
43 File was not saved.
45 TAB
46 You will not be able to use Calypso until you configure a mailbox.
47 The Alias and E-mail Address fields are required.
48 This Alias is being used for another entry.
49 Invalid e-mail address.
50 The account name you entered is invalid or already in use.\n\nPlease enter another name.
51 No sound file has been selected to play.
52 Error adding signature to the list.
53 File '%s', could not be opened %s
54 The password fields don't match.
55 An error occurred while using the MAPI interface.
56 The activation code is for an older version of Calypso.
57 The activation code has expired.
58 The activation code is invalid.
59 Insert the original message?
60 You must enter at least one name in the To field.
61 Error encoding the attachment.\n\nAttachment was not added.
62 Message has been saved.
63 The original message has been modified.\n\nSave changes to this message?
64 Save this message to the Pending folder?
65 Could not add attachment. For more information on the error, see the Details panel.
66 Could not connect to the MAPI interface.
67 Could not create a system timer. You should close one or more applications and try again.
68 Calypso is already checking mail or sending mail, please try again later.
69 Deleting the mailbox will move all accounts, folders, and messages to the Recycle Bin.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
70 Cancel wizard?
71 Password for '%s' is incorrect. (Hint: Check the Caps Lock key)
72 Invalid account: '%s@%s'
73 Could not get message body from the mail server.
74 Error writing to file: %s
75 Write message header to the file?
76 Spell check complete.
77 The entry '%s' was not found in the address book.\n\nDo you want to enter it into the address book?
78 This is an HTML message that does not contain a plain text body.
79 You have entered a bulk mail alias in the To field.\n\nDo you want to send this as a Blind Send?
80 Signature has been saved.
81 Your message has been saved in the Pending folder. For more information, click the Details button at the bottom of the Calypso Mailbox view.
82 Message not sent.
83 Permanently delete all messages in the Wastebasket?
84 Delete all messages which are currently stored on the mail server?
85 The original signature has been modified.\n\nSave changes to this signature?
86 Could not allocate import class
87 The message '%s' no longer resides on the mail server.
88 '%s' is being used by account '%s'.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete this auto-response?
104 If this error persists, this mailbox database may be corrupt. To recover, close Calypso and copy the file '%s' over '%s' or restore a previous backup of the mailbox file.
105 Calypso is unable to create this mailbox. There may not be enough disk space.
106 To correct, remove any unwanted files from the mailbox system's disk and click 'Retry'.
107 Calypso may not be able to access the disk, or there may not be enough disk space.
108 The user ID or the incoming mail server name for this account has been modified. Be sure to change your password for this account if necessary.
109 %s: No new mail.
110 %s: You have 1 new message.
111 %s: You have %ld new messages.
112 The file '%s' is not an executable or is corrupt.
113 The file or path '%s' was not found.
114 Insufficient resources to execute file '%s'.
115 New Group
116 OK
117 An error occurred while importing this file. The file may not be properly formatted, or Calypso may not recognize this version of the Eudora address book.
118 The activation code was not changed.
119 The activation code will expire tomorrow.
120 Sending message:
121 Receive error:
122 Logging into the SMTP server as:
123 An unknown activation code error occurred.
124 An error occurred reading the installation date.
125 An error occurred writing the installation date.
126 The installation date is invalid.
127 Calypso needs to repair this mailbox.\n\nCould not locate repair tool: '%s'.
128 -> Successful
129 Not all data sent on send
130 send() failed
131 recv(MSG_PEEK) failed
132 recv() failed
133 gethostname() failed
134 Could not allocate memory [Error %d].
135 Save changes to this filter definition?
136 Permanent
137 Retrieving %d of %d.
138 Temporary\nExpires %s
139 Deleting message selection from mail server.
140 Logging into POP3 account:
141 Logging out of POP3 account:
142 Error retrieving body of message number %d from mail server.
143 Deleted message number
144 Synchronizing receive list.
145 No Name
146 Mail server responded: '%s'
147 Connecting to:
148 Unable to start Windows sockets.
149 Unable to create a new socket.
150 [No Subject]
151 Unable to resolve the IP address of the mail server.
152 Auto-response: ON
153 Connection to socket failed.
154 Sending to:
155 This message exceeds the configured maximum message size.\nCalypso retrieved only this portion of the message. \nThe entire message resides on the server.
156 WINSOCK Error
157 Disconnecting
158 WINSOCK call to cancel blocking failed.
159 Failed to shut down socket before close.
160 Unable to close socket.
161 Unable to clean up after closing Windows sockets.
162 Failed to send message.
163 Message sent successfully
164 Compose New Message
165 Canceled message retrieval from mail server.
166 Could not play sound file
167 The account '%s' has new mail.
168 Failed to get mail from account
169 Canceled checking mail.
170 This rule will match and discard all messages.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
171 Failed to delete mail messages from
172 Message deletion from mail server has been canceled.
173 Message deletion from mail server was successful.
174 Compose Auto-response
175 Failed to send one or more pending messages.
176 Failed to encode file:
177 Encoding Attachment
178 Encoding was successful.
179 You are running Calypso Lite.\nCalypso Lite does not allow more than one open mailbox.
180 Done Encoding Saved Attachment
181 Decoding was successful.
182 *** Checking mail for account '%s' @ %s ***
183 *** Sending pending mail from account '%s' @ %s ***
184 *** Sending mail from account '%s' @ %s ***
185 *** Deleting mail from account '%s' @ %s ***
186 Canceled sending message.
187 Could not load library: '%s' [Error %ld]
188 Compose Signature
189 Failed to get the address for function: '%s'
190 Unable to find function '%s' in the list.
191 Address
192 Calypso Account Wizard - E-mail Account Information
193 Calypso Account Wizard - Incoming Mail Server Password
194 Logging into IMAP account:
195 Logging out of IMAP account:
196 Unable to delete the account '%s' because it is your default account.\n\nTo delete the account, change your default account in the Compose tab, then delete this account. The Compose tab is located in Mailbox Properties.
197 Calypso Account Wizard - Incoming Mail Server
198 Building auto-response message for:
199 Failed to build auto-response for:
200 Calypso Account Wizard - Outgoing Mail Server
201 Calypso Account Wizard - Finish
202 Unable to retrieve header for message number %d [Error %d]
203 Unable to write message %d to database [Error %d]
204 Unable to process body of message %d [Error %d]
205 Delete the message '%s'?
206 Deleted message:
207 Deleted message numbers %d through %d.
208 Decoding has been canceled.
209 Encoding has been canceled.
210 Encoding file
211 Run Length Encoding BinHex file
212 Decoding attachment
213 Decoding BinHex Run Length Encoding
214 Duplicate table value:
215 Error opening file '%s', %s\n
216 Windows return:
217 No error set.
218 Unable to get Windows temporary directory name.
219 Unable to get Windows temporary file name.
220 Unable to read from database.
221 Unable to write to database.
222 Unable to read from file.
223 Unable to write to file.
224 \n\n%s\nParser could not continue because:\n%s\n%s\n\n
225 Unable to lock buffer.
226 Unable to open file.
227 Unable to close file.
228 Unable to create attachment in database.
229 Unable to enumerate attachments in database.
230 Unable to get file size.
231 Unable to delete file.
232 User requested abort.
233 BinHex CRC error.
234 Cannot open the Clipboard
235 Cannot empty the Clipboard
236 Failed to allocate memory.
237 Unable to set Clipboard data.
238 Unable to close Clipboard
239 Failed to create Details message.
240 \n\n%s\n\nParser failed to separate attachment from message because:\n%s\n
241 Message body resides on the mail server. Message must be retrieved from the mail server before being displayed.
242 Accounts
243 Address Book
244 Auto-response
245 Filter
246 Pending
247 Received Mail
248 Sent Mail
249 Signature
250 Wastebasket
251 Name
252 To
253 From
254 Account
255 Subject
256 Date
257 Time
258 Size
259 E-mail Address
260 Reply-to address
261 Calypso « Lite
262 File Path Name
263 Company
264 Bulk Mail Name
265 Alias
266 Mail Templates
267 Bulk Mail
268 All
269 POP3
270 Mode
271 Pattern
272 Objects
273 Action
274 Items: %4d
275 Unread: %4d
276 Copy
277 Reply-to
278 Date Sent
279 Time Sent
280 You must enter a name for this filter definition.
281 Incoming
282 Outgoing
283 Folder
284 ONLY
285 AND
286 OR
287 Move to folder:
288 Redirect to:
289 Priority
290 Message body
291 Attachment
292 Favorites
293 [None]
294 Unable to obtain an IP address for host name '%s'.
295 Your mailbox was created or converted by a newer version of Calypso. This mailbox can not be opened by older versions of Calypso.
296 Invalid mailbox name
297 Insufficient memory to open mailbox
298 Mailbox file not found
299 Access to this file is denied
300 File already in use
301 Calypso could not open the mailbox file
302 Unknown database error [Error %d]
303 Error opening mailbox '%s':\n\n
304 Mailbox already exists
305 Failed to create mailbox file
306 Error creating mailbox '%s':\n\n
307 Mailbox path not found
308 Insufficient memory to create mailbox
309 An address book Alias cannot contain '@'.
310 You must place the bulk mail alias '%s' in the To field.
311 You must place the mail template alias '%s' in the To field.
312 Template Name
313 All files (*.*) | *.*||
314 Failed to load the address book import dll '%s'.
315 Failed to open the Registry key '%s'.
316 You must enter a filter pattern.
317 You must enter a second filter pattern, or select
318 You must select one or more filter objects.
319 You must select one or more filter actions.
320 Save this mail template?
321 The original mail template has been modified.\n\nSave changes to this mail template?
322 You must select a file to import
323 You must select an account before saving.
324 Delimited File Export
325 Alias names, group names, template names, and bulk mail names must be unique in the address book.\n\nThe alias '%s' is already in use.
326 Alias names, group names, template names, and bulk mail names must be unique in the address book.\n\nThe name '%s' is already in use.
327 Save changes to this entry?
328 A mailbox name cannot begin with a period.
329 A mailbox name cannot contain a nonprinting character.
330 A mailbox name cannot contain any of the following characters:\n \ / : * ? \" < > |
332 The Bulk Mail Name and Path fields are required.
333 &Send Ctrl+D
334 The import operation has completed.
335 Case
336 On
337 Off
338 You must select a folder to move messages.
339 You must enter an address to redirect messages.
340 Filter Rule %d:
341 An error occurred accessing the directory '%s'.\nPlease select another location for the backup.
342 Calypso is using the Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x interface. To utilize the full HTML abilities of Calypso, it is recommended that you install the Internet Explorer 4.x components. This product is available from the Microsoft Web site at http://www.microsoft.com
343 Calypso was unable to load the Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x or 4.x interface for viewing HTML messages. The component is not installed or is not properly configured. To view and compose HTML messages, you must install the Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x component. You can download this from the Microsoft Web site at http://www.microsoft.com
344 External Address Book %s
345 To apply this filter definition to your mail, be sure to select the Apply Selected Filter Definition check box in the Filter tab. The Filter tab is located in Account Properties.\nFilters listed in the Switch To Filter field do not need to be applied.
346 '%s' is being used by account '%s'.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete this filter definition?
347 A password is required for the account '%s'.
348 Your real name
349 User ID
350 City
351 State
352 Zip Code
353 Country
354 Phone Number
355 Fax Number
357 Mailbox Servicing Progress
358 Opening mailboxes
359 Copying accounts
360 Copying folders and messages
361 Synchronizing mail lists
362 Unable to open mailbox
363 Translating handles in new mailbox
364 Not enough memory
365 Unable to create new mailbox
366 Unable to read new mailbox for translation
367 Unable to write new file for translation
368 Error translating handle
369 Unable to create account
370 Unrecoverable error occurred while copying messages/folders to new mailbox
371 Unable to add message to a mail list in the new mailbox
372 Unable to create a message in new mailbox
373 Unable to delete message in new mailbox
374 Usage: DBTool [mailbox]
375 Always use Blind Send
376 Always use spell check
377 Word wrap
378 Calypso failed to locate Calypso Tray Monitor in '%s'.
382 You must select an account in the From field before sending.
383 Page %#
384 The address book Favorites list is full.
385 The address book Favorites list is full. This item has been saved, but was not added to the Favorites list.
386 Properties for
387 Un&do
388 A filter definition is already configured with the name, '%s'.\n\nDo you want to overwrite?
389 A filter rule has been partially configured.\n\nDo you want to complete this rule and add it to the list before saving?
390 The last filter rule you configured was not added to the list. This rule will not be saved in the filter definition.\n\nDo you want to add this rule to the list before saving?
391 No filter rule components are configured. To add a filter rule to this definition, click the Add button.
392 &Add
393 &Delete
394 Delete the account '%s'?
395 Delete the address '%s'?
396 Failed to send one or more pending messages for mailbox '%s'.
397 Delete the bulk mail entry '%s'?
398 Delete the mail template '%s'?
399 Permanently delete the message '%s'?
400 Delete the signature '%s'?
401 You must select a folder
402 Rename
403 IMAP4
404 SMTP
405 You have completed the Calypso Account Wizard.
406 <No Suggestion>
407 &Change
408 C&hange All
409 Spell Check Properties
410 Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*||
411 The folder you have selected is part of the folder path\n'%s'.
412 The account '%s' is using this folder path for its incoming mail.
413 The account '%s' is using this folder path for its sent mail.
414 Custom Dictionary (*.dic)|*.dic|
415 Sound files (*.wav) | *.wav||
416 Wastebasket Properties
417 Permanently delete the message [No Subject]?
418 Failed to initialize %s
419 Calypso Reminder...
420 Error Number
421 The message body is on the server.\n\nDo you want to retrieve it now?
422 Close
423 The import operation was canceled by the user.
424 Account '%s' is paused.
425 %s: Check mail failed -- account is paused.
426 %s: Check mail failed -- all accounts are paused.
427 Calypso cannot check mail because your account is paused.
428 Calypso cannot check mail because all of your accounts are paused.
429 To turn off the pause feature for an account, click Accounts in the mailbox folder list. In the summary list, right-click the account, then click Pause.
430 Paused
431 The selected account for this message is paused.\n\nCalypso will not check mail for a paused account. Be aware that you will not see any replies to this message while the account is paused.\n\nTo change which account is sending this message, click No and select another account in the From list.\n\nDo you want to send the message from this account?
432 When message size is greater than
433 retrieve only the first
434 lines
435 You have typed a value that is greater than the total message size.
436 Emptying wastebasket...
437 &Lock F12
438 This mailbox is being locked and this message will be closed.
439 Attachment: %s\nFailed on line: %s
440 The mail template contains entries in the Copy and/or Blind Copy fields.
441 This mailbox is being locked and this signature will be closed.
442 This mailbox is being locked and this auto-response will be closed.
443 Save changes?
444 *********** BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE ***********\n\nOn <<DT>> at <<TM>> <<FR>> <<<FA>>> wrote:
445 *********** END FORWARDED MESSAGE ***********
446 *********** BEGIN REDIRECTED MESSAGE ***********
447 *********** END REDIRECTED MESSAGE ***********
448 Title:
449 Department:
450 Office:
451 Business Number:
452 Home Number:
453 Mobile Number:
454 Pager Number:
455 2nd Business Number:
456 2nd Home Number:
457 Assistant Name:
458 Assistant Number:
462 An error occurred while importing this file. The file may not be properly formatted. Please refer to Calypso Help for more information about this file format.
463 The file you selected is not a text file. Would you like to attach this file to the message now?
464 This message has been modified.\n\nSelect 'Yes' to modify the original message.\nSelect 'No' to save this as a new message in the Pending folder.
465 New Bulk Mail
466 You cannot attach an open mailbox.\n\nClose the mailbox, copy the mailbox file, and then attach the copy.
467 Add mail template alias '%s' to this field
468 Add address alias '%s' to this field
469 Add group alias '%s' to this field
470 Add bulk mail alias '%s' to this field
471 Version of WINSOCK not supported.
472 WINSOCK not present or not responding.
473 Application version not supported by DLL.
474 Authoritative: Host not found.
475 Non-authoritative: Host not found or server failure.
476 Non-recoverable: Refused or not implemented.
477 Valid name, no data record for type.
478 WSA Startup not initialized.
479 Network subsystem failed.
480 Blocking operation in progress.
481 Blocking call canceled.
482 Address family not supported.
483 No file descriptors available.
484 No buffer space available.
485 Specified protocol not supported.
486 Protocol wrong type for this socket.
487 Socket type not supported for address family.
488 Descriptor is not a socket.
489 Socket marked as non-blocking and SO_LINGER set not 0.
490 Address already in use.
491 Connection aborted.
492 Connection reset.
493 Not connected.
494 Connection timed out.
495 Connection refused.
496 Host down.
497 Host unreachable.
498 Address not available.
499 Invalid mailbox handle.
500 Invalid message handle.
501 Invalid MIME header.
502 Invalid data found in attachment.
503 Failed to write attachment to database.
504 Failed to write message to database.
505 Failed to create attachment.
506 Failed to delete attachment.
507 Failed to read attachment.
508 Delete the filter definition '%s'?
509 Delete the message [No Subject]?
510 '%s' is being used by account '%s'.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete this signature?
511 Delete the group '%s'?
512 You have one or more messages waiting to be sent from account: '%s'. \n\nWould you like to send them now?
513 Cancel
514 Received Mail folder
515 Sent Mail folder
516 Filter definition
517 Account password remembered
518 Yes
519 No
520 Incoming mail server
521 Type
522 Server Name
523 Port
524 Incoming mail preferences
525 When checking mail
526 Message header and body are retrieved
527 Only the message header is retrieved
528 When mail is retrieved
529 Mail is deleted from mail server
530 Mail is left on mail server
531 When new mail arrives
532 Play a sound file
533 Sound a bell
534 No sound is made
535 Display a new mail dialog box
536 Outgoing mail server
537 Outgoing mail preferences
538 When sending mail
539 Send immediately
540 Send when checking mail
541 Done Encoding Linked Attachment
542 Default domain name
543 Be aware that this filter definition contains one or more rules with message redirect actions.
544 If you would like to continue using the full-featured version of Calypso, please contact:
551 If you would like to continue using the full-featured version of Calypso, please contact:
552 \n\nThis encoded message has been converted to an attachment.\n
553 \n\nThis large message has been converted to an attachment.\n
554 The following addresses had delivery problems:\n
555 When the activation code expires, Calypso will convert to Calypso Lite and many advanced features will cease to function.
556 Click 'Lite Version' to downgrade to Calypso Lite.\nClick 'Exit' to exit the application.
557 Refine Search
558 Error saving the file.
559 You must restart Calypso for the new language setting to take effect.
560 Micro Computer Systems, Inc.
561 calypso-registration@mcsdallas.com
562 Calypso «
563 Calypso Registration
564 Lite Version
565 This account is configured to retrieve message headers only.\n\n%s Incoming mail redirections for this account will not be performed.
566 This account is configured to retrieve partial messages when the total message size exceeds the configured limit.\n\n%s Incoming mail redirections for this account will only be performed on messages that are retrieved in full \n\n.
567 This signature cannot be deleted because it is currently being used by one or more open messages.\n\nBefore you can delete, you must remove this signature from each message using it.\n
568 This account is using the '%s' filter definition which contains one or more rules with message redirect actions.\n\n
569 Be aware that when Calypso retrieves message headers only, incoming filter redirect actions will be ignored.
570 Be aware that when Calypso retrieves a partial message, incoming filter redirect actions will be ignored for that message.
571 You have canceled emptying the Wastebasket.\n\nSome messages may not have been deleted from the mail server.
572 *********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********\n\nOn <<DT>> at <<TM>> <<FR>> wrote:
573 Reply All
574 The filter definition '%s' has filter rule %d using this folder path.
575 Click 'Yes' to select a new %s for this account.
576 Click 'No' to delete this filter rule.
577 Click 'Cancel' to stop this operation.
578 Are you sure you want to delete the message '%s' locally and leave it on the mail server?
579 Are you sure you want to delete the message selection locally and leave them on the mail server?
580 One or more Calypso .dll files are not compatible with this version of Calypso. Reboot and reinstall Calypso.
581 Offline
582 Online
583 Send the message selection?
584 Building the message ID list
585 You have a Blind Send entry in a field other than the To field.\n\nDo you want to Blind Send this message?
586 *** Retrieving messages from account '%s' @ %s ***
587 ** Error, see previous Details **
588 The '%s' command failed.
589 An error occurred while importing this file. The file may not be properly formatted, or Calypso may not recognize this version of the Netscape address book.
590 Search Results
591 Please wait for this operation to finish before you exit Calypso.
592 Searching:
593 No messages matched the search criteria.
594 Calypso Wireless
595 Processing Folder:
596 Processing Account:
597 Validating Blocks
598 Checking receive list for:
599 Copying block %d of %d
600 Validating block %d of %d
601 Saving mailbox
602 C&ompose Message
603 Check &Mail
604 Account Information
605 User Name:
606 Dial-up canceled.
607 Calypso could not load the required module '%s'. %s is not properly configured.
608 Remember password
609 Converting receive list.
610 Connecting to '%s'
611 Dialing...
612 *** Dial-up error: '%s' (%d) ***
613 Disconnecting from dial-up
614 Verifying user name and password...
615 Logging on to network
616 Send response '%s'
617 Switch to filter '%s'
618 Delete from mail server
619 Retrieve from mail server
620 Mark as read
621 You must select an auto-response message.
622 You must select a filter definition.
623 '%s' is being used by filter '%s'.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete this auto-response?
624 '%s' is being used by filter '%s'.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete this filter definition?
625 Select a filter definition:
626 Select an auto-response message:
627 This is not a valid signature file.
628 Calypso is busy sending mail.
629 Calypso is busy checking mail.
630 --->User comment:
631 Cc
632 Bcc
633 Reply-To
634 Return-Receipt-To
635 Message header
636 Calypso Lite
637 Filtering message '%s' through '%s'
638 Filter '%s', rule %d: marking message for deletion from mail server
639 Filter '%s', rule %d: marking message for retrieval from mail server
640 Filter '%s', rule %d: marking message as read
641 Filter '%s', rule %d: moving to folder '%s'
642 Filter '%s', rule %d: moving message to folder '%s' from folder '%s'
644 Filter '%s', rule %d: switching to filter '%s'
645 Direct technical support is not available to Calypso Lite users.\n\nFor purchasing information send an e-mail to\n%s or visit %s.\n\nFor information about using Calypso, please see the Calypso FAQ at\nwww.mcsdallas.com/mcs/calypso/FAQ/index.htm
646 Filter '%s', rule %d: redirecting message to '%s'
647 Filter '%s', rule %d WARNING: could not redirect '%s': message body on mail server
648 To (Blind Send):
649 %s: %s.
650 Using message list instead.
651 Please specify Search Text and/or Message Attributes.
652 Please select Header and/or Body to specify where to search in the message.
653 Calypso Evaluation
654 **** Confirmation ****\nYour message:\n\n To: %s\n From: %s <%s>\n Date: %s %s\n Subject: %s\n\nwas read by "%s" <%s> on %s at %s\n
655 Would you like to disconnect from the network now?
656 Access is denied. Please verify your user name and password.
657 Unknown dial-up error.
658 %s
659 Deleted Locally
660 Add multiple entries to the address book?
661 %d of %d entries with e-mail address\n%s
662 Forward
663 Redirect
664 The print margins defined in Mailbox\Print Margins are overlapping. The default margin settings will be used.
670 Filter '%s', rule %d: executing '%s' for message '%s'
671 Filter '%s', rule %d: adding address '%s' to group '%s'
672 Filter '%s', rule %d: deleting address '%s' from group '%s'
673 Print
674 Save to archive '%s'
675 Execute program '%s'
676 Add address to group '%s'
677 Delete address from group '%s'
678 WARNING: Enabling this filter action may compromise the security of your computer.\n\nIf you run a program based on a field in the message header, the author of a message matching this filter can run a program on your computer. This could create unpredictable results.\n\nAre you sure you want to enable this feature?
679 '%s' is being used by filter '%s'.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete this group?
680 The server does not support any secure password authentication providers
681 Would you like to back up your mailbox now?
682 The secure password providers on this machine are not supported by the server
683 Authentication failed due to a network error
684 Invalid login information (0x%08x)
685 Invalid login information (0x%08x)
686 The security provider is missing the Complete function
687 Unknown return from security provider (0x%08x)
688 Internal Error - unknown SPA error code = %d
689 Calypso was unable to find a telephone device or modem used to dial voice calls.\nInstall a telephone device to use for dialing calls or, in the Windows Control Panel, double-click the Modems icon to install a modem.
690 Dial-up Networking
691 Telephony
692 This option will reset the toolbar to the default configuration and position.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
693 The Tray Monitor is required to restore this mailbox when minimized.\n\nIf you do not want to load the Tray Monitor, click the Miscellaneous tab and select a different minimize option.
694 The specified path is invalid.
695 The path '%s' does not exist.\n\nDo you want to create it?
696 Failed to create the specified path.
697 Return
698 Opened
699 Printed:
700 You cannot specify the current mailbox path and file name as the back up destination\n\n Please enter another directory or file name.
701 Auto
702 U.S. ASCII
703 ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1)
704 ISO-8859-2 (Latin 2)
705 ISO-8859-3 (Latin 3)
706 ISO-8859-4 (Latin 4)
707 ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic)
708 ISO-8859-6 (Arabic)
709 ISO-8859-7 (Greek)
710 ISO-8859-8 (Hebrew)
711 ISO-8859-9 (Latin 5)
712 &Add Address...
713 The message contained in the selected attachment has been imported into the folder that you selected.
714 Subject: '%s'
715 EUC-KR
716 KOI-8R (Cyrillic)
717 Windows-1250 (Central Europe)
718 Windows-1251 (Cyrillic)
719 Windows-1253 (Greek)
720 There is no font associated with the character encoding type '%s'.\n\nYou may associate a font now or configure one later in the Character Sets tab located in mailbox properties.\n\nDo you want to associate a font now?
728 The permitted number of open files was exceeded
729 The file could not be accessed, it may be in use
730 There was an attempt to use an invalid file handle
731 The current working directory cannot be removed
732 There are no more directory entries
733 There was an error trying to set the file pointer
734 There was a hardware error
735 An access violation occurred; the file may be in use by another process.
736 There was an attempt to lock a region that was already locked
737 The disk is full
738 The end of file was reached
739 An unspecified error occurred
740 Error opening file '%s', '%s'
741 Filter '%s'. rule %d: marking message for follow-up
742 Filter '%s', rule %d: WARNING: could not filter on message body for '%s': message body is on mail server
743 Filter '%s', rule %d: failed to save attachment. No default attachment directory is specified. Configure one in the Attachments tab located in mailbox properties.
744 Filter '%s', rule %d: saving attachments for '%s' in '%s'
745 High
746 Medium
747 Low
748 Attachment '%s' saved to '%s'\n
749 Message included attachment: '%s'\n
750 Filter '%s', rule %d WARNING: could not save attachment for '%s': message body on mail server
755 WARNING: selecting this action will permanently delete this message from your local machine and from the server. Once this action is performed, this message will not be available.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
757 Select the default directory for saving attachments.
758 txt
759 Filter: operation complete
760 Saving message %s
761 Total saved: %s
762 Calypso LDAP Search
763 Filter: after pre-JunkYard filter, moved = %d, action taken = %d
764 Filter: running post-JunkYard filter for message '%s'
765 Filter: after post-JunkYard filter, moved = %d, action taken = %d
766 Organization
767 Organizational Unit
768 Filter: running filter '%s' for message '%s'
769 Street
770 contains
771 doesn't contain
772 is
773 isn't
774 begins with
775 ends with
776 sounds like
777 Calypso Toolbar
778 (Blind Send Message)
779 Filter: no filter configured for account '%s'
780 Country
781 Failed to load the LDAP DLL (%s).
782 Could not load the function pointers from %s.
783 Could not allocate an LDAP search object. No memory available.
784 Connecting to: %s
785 Binding to: %s
786 Disconnecting
787 Done
788 Failed to connect to '%s'.\n\n%s
789 Failed to bind to '%s'.\n\n%s
790 Sending Search Command
791 Waiting for Search Results
792 Unknown WINSOCK Error
793 \n\nServer said: '%s'.
794 WINSOCK Error = %d - %s
795 LDAP Error = %d - %s
796 Unknown LDAP Error
797 The search command failed: %s
798 The search did not match anything
799 Are you sure you want to delete this server?
800 Error allocating memory for the new entry
801 Cancel the search operation
802 *** Base JunkYard Filter Rule ***
803 Deleting the base JunkYard filter rule for the default JunkYard filter will disable this from being the default JunkYard filter.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
804 This mailbox is being locked and this mail template will be closed.
805 Mail server does not support APOP.
806 &About DBTool
807 Filter: cannot filter message, message type does not match calling mode
808 Operations Error
809 Protocol Error
810 Time limit exceeded
811 Size limit exceeded
812 Compare is False
813 Compare is True
814 Authentication method is not supported
815 Strong authentication required
816 No such attribute
817 Undefined attribute type
818 Inappropriate matching
819 Constraint violation
820 Attribute or value already exists
821 Invalid attribute syntax
822 No such object
823 Alias problem
824 Invalid DN syntax
825 Is leaf
826 Alias dereferencing problem
827 Inappropriate authentication
828 Invalid credentials
829 Insufficient access rights
830 The server is busy
831 The server is unavailable
832 The server is unwilling to perform the operation
833 Loop detected in the filter
834 Naming violation
835 Object class violation
836 Operation not allowed on non-leaf entry
837 Operation not allowed on RDN
838 Entry already exists
839 Modification of this object is prohibited
840 The server returned partial results
841 The results are too large to return
842 Error encoding the request string
843 Error decoding the response from the server
844 Authorization type unknown
845 The filter passed is invalid
846 Out of memory
847 There is an LDAP search outstanding.\n\nWait for it to complete or cancel it before closing Calypso.
848 There is a search in progress.\n\nWait for it to complete or cancel it before closing this dialog.
849 Domain only
850 Filter %d: cannot filter through rule %d, rule is base JunkYard rule or disabled
851 There is already a filter configured as the default junk filter.\n\nDo you want to choose this one as the new default junk filter?
852 The mailbox back up was unsuccessful.
853 '%s' is being used by auto-response '%s'.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete this signature?
854 Continue filtering
855 Disabled
856 Separator
857 Filter '%s', rule %d: playing sound file '%s' for message '%s'
858 Play sound file '%s'
859 Enter the login information for %s:
860 Login Type
861 Use alternate SMTP login method
862 Send with name in To field
863 Network connect timeout
864 Network send/receive timeout
865 %d seconds
866 Account Name
867 %d characters
868 Unsupported encode type.
869 Unexpected end of data.
870 Error saving the message '%s' to archive file '%s', %s
871 Deleting attachment(s) from the database
872 Add Rule to Filter
873 Modify Rule for Filter
874 Apply JunkYard filter
875 before selected filter
876 after selected filter
877 You must select a filter definition for this rule.
878 You must select a filter pattern for this rule.
879 You must select an object on which to filter.
880 Display Filter Rule dialog when adding:
881 Selected as JunkYard filter
882 Print Margins (%s)
883 Inches
884 Centimeters
885 JunkYard
886 You do not have a default attachment directory selected.\n\nWould you like to choose one now?
887 Click 'No' to use the default folder '%s'.
888 The Calypso JunkYard must be set up before it can be used. For more information about the JunkYard or modifying the JunkYard filter rules, see the Calypso online Help.\n\nDo you want Calypso to set up the JunkYard?\n\nClick Yes to automatically create the JunkYard folder and the JunkYard filter along with its base rule. The message will automatically move to the JunkYard folder after setup.
889 This mailbox was created with an earlier version of Calypso. It must be converted before you can use it. The original mailbox will be backed up in the current path.
890 This mailbox was created with an earlier version of Calypso and is located in a mailbox folder which is not a part of the current Calypso installation. It must be converted before you can use it.\n\nYou have the option of copying the mailbox to the new default destination path. The original mailbox will be backed up in the current path. You will still be able to use the original mailbox with the earlier version of Calypso.\n\nDo you want Calypso to copy your mailbox for you?
891 Mailbox Folder
892 Eudora is not installed in this folder.\n\nSelect another folder and try again.
893 Importing messages from Eudora
894 Reading folder tree
895 Select the directory where Eudora is installed
896 You must enter the directory where Eudora is installed.
897 Calypso failed to move the new mailbox to '%s'.
898 The search pattern for this filter rule will match all messages.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
899 Calypso cannot create a filter rule for this message because the message does not contain a %s field.\n\nWould you like to edit the filter rule for this message? (Selecting No will cancel the operation).
900 Filter '%s', rule %d: cannot filter through rule %d, rule mode and message types do not match
901 Filter '%s', rule %d: adding message to play sound queue
902 Filter '%s', rule %d: adding message to print queue
903 Filter '%s', rule %d: adding message to archive queue
904 Filter '%s', rule %d: adding message to program execute queue
905 Filter '%s', rule %d: adding message to save attachment queue
906 Filter '%s', rule %d: adding message to discard queue
907 Filter '%s', rule %d: clearing match flag for continuation
908 Filter: matching filter pattern '%s' with object value '%s'
909 Filter: matched pattern 1, switching to AND for pattern 2
910 Filter: didn't match pattern 1, switching to OR for pattern 2
911 Filter: didn't match patterns
912 Filter: executing post-filter queues
913 Normal
914 &Open
915 &Print
916 There is insufficient disk space available to service this mailbox file. At least %s %s of free space is required. For help on freeing disk space, see the Disk Space Troubleshooter in Windows Help.
917 Quick Reference.html
918 RegUsa.txt
919 Cancel
920 APOP
921 SPA
922 [Both]
923 Receipt Type
924 WARNING: Selecting this action will delete this message from your local machine. Once this action is performed, this message will reside only on the server.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
925 Record number %d contains an invalid character 0x%02X at position %d.
930 Filter %d: Adding message to delete local queue
931 You have selected to receive an Opened Receipt for this message. Opened Receipts are returned from the recipient's e-mail client while Returned Receipts are returned by the recipient's mail server. Not all clients support Opened Receipts. It is suggested that you choose both Returned and Opened Receipts. Do you want to select both now?
932 TZ
933 Updating Message Information
934 Custom
935 Unknown
936 Quotable-Printable
937 System
938 Hits
939 Last Hit
940 Created
941 Error loading auto configuation dll '%s'
942 Error loading entry points for auto configuation dll '%s'
943 Error initializing auto configuation dll '%s'\n\nCode = %d
944 Last Hit Date
945 Click 'Yes' to select a new folder for this filter rule.
946 RFC Import
947 Importing messages from Calypso Archive (RFC 822)
948 Select a Calypso Archive (RFC 822) file to import
949 The modem is in use by another connection type.
955 Horizontal spacing must be a number between 0 and 999.
956 Vertical spacing must be a number between 0 and 999.
957 Border thickness must be a number between 0 and 999.
958 Not Set
959 You are currently editing a message in HTML format. Changing to plain text will remove all formatting and images from the message. Are you sure you want to do this?
960 Default
961 Black
962 Maroon
963 Green
964 Olive
965 Navy
966 Purple
967 Teal
968 Gray
969 Silver
970 Red
971 Lime
972 Yellow
973 Blue
974 Fuschia
975 Aqua
976 White
977 Custom
978 Address Book Properties
979 External Address Book (*.txt)|*.txt||
980 HTML Files (*.htm; *.html)|*.htm; *.html||
981 New Mail &Template...
982 Cannot attach the directory '%s'. Only files may be attached.
983 Failed to load advertising DLL '%s'
984 Failed to initialize advertising DLL '%s'
985 Failed to link to advertising DLL '%s'. The DLL may be an older version.
986 Failed to run program '%s' from filter '%s', rule %d, error = %d
987 This vCard is not properly formatted.
988 Alias names, group names, template names, and bulk mail names must be unique in the address book.\n\nThe alias '%s' is already in use by '%s'.\n\nWould you like to replace this entry?
989 You have selected to delete one or more messages while in the Search Results folder. Doing so will delete the message from its original folder.\n\nIf you would like to remove the message from the Search Results list, simply right-click the message and click "Remove from Search Results". To narrow your search, right-click the Search Results folder and click "Refine Search".\n\nYou may disable this warning from the Mailbox\Properties\Wastebasket tab.
990 vCard address
991 Failed to create the directory '%s', %s.
992 Failed to save the file '%s'.
993 Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp||
994 GIF (*.gif)|*.gif||
995 JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg||
996 Image File (*.%s)|*.%s||
997 Register
998 Unregister
999 Transfer License
1000 Eudora Import
1001 Last Hit Time
1002 Creation Date
1003 Creation Time
1004 Unable to resolve the address of the registration server.
1005 Unable to connect to the registration server.
1006 Error sending registration data to the registration server.
1007 Invalid response from the registration server.
1008 HTTP error from registration server = %s.
1009 HTTP response invalid - could not find the end of the header.
1010 Code received from server is not valid.\n\nPlease contact MCS at activations@mcsdallas.com for assistance.
1011 Registration Complete!\n\nThank you for registering your Calypso E-mail.
1012 Include vCard with sent mail
1013 Registered
1014 Unregistered
1015 Filter '%s', rule %d: retrieved message '%s' does not have any attachments
1016 The address '%s' is an external address book entry. To add this address to a group, it must be copied to the local address book. Would you like to do this now?
1017 Use POP account
1018 User supplied
1019 SMTP authentication method
1020 Sent data:
1021 Authentication failed -- check your Username and Password
1022 Error creating the status window
1023 Locating server...
1024 Connecting to server...
1025 Sending registration information...
1026 Waiting for response\n\nPlease Wait...
1027 (%d days remaining in evaluation period)
1028 Error accessing file '%s', '%s'
1029 You must restart Calypso for the enhanced features to be available. Would you like to restart now?
1030 File has been deleted or moved.
1031 Hide redirection information
1032 Save replies with original
1033 Prompt if account paused
1034 Match server read status
1035 An address book Alias cannot contain a comma or semi-colon if you will be using AutoComplete. Do you want to change the Alias?
1036 Updating Shortcuts
1037 Calypso did not import any messages. The import file may not be formatted correctly.
1038 Invalid attachment name
1039 Printed: '%s'
1040 Loading HTML Message...
1041 Preparing to print...
1042 New messages reside in the following folder(s):
1043 &Go Online F8
1044 &Go Offline F8
1045 The network path '%s' is invalid
1046 The path '%s' is invalid or not accessible at this time. Would you still like to use this path?
1208 View the selected signature\nView Signature
1515 Keep a copy of this message after sending\nKeep a Copy (Ctrl+K)
20000 &Compose Message...
20001 Check &Mail
20002 &Restore
20003 E&xit
20004 Closing this application may leave some mailboxes inaccessible, if they are configured to hide when minimized.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
20005 &Lock
20006 Un&lock
20007 Calypso Tray Monitor
20008 Calypso Tray Monitor shutting down
20009 (Locked)
32161 Rename the folder or filter scheme (F2)
32779 Compose a new message\nCompose Message (Ctrl+M)
32780 Check for new mail\nCheck Mail (F5)
32781 Compose a new message using the selected template\nCompose Message Using a Template
32782 Flag this message so that the receiving client will update their external address book\nUpdate Recipient's External Address Book (Ctrl+Alt+E)
32784 Create a new folder\nNew Folder
32785 Delete this folder\nFolder Delete
32790 Check spelling\nSpell Check (F7)
32791 Delete all messages from Wastebasket\nEmpty Wastebasket
32792 Modify properties for this mailbox\nMailbox Properties
32798 Delete this mailbox\nDelete Mailbox
32799 Modify properties for Wastebasket\nWastebasket Properties
32808 Delete the selected account\nDelete Account
32813 Add account to this mailbox\nAdd Account
32815 Modify properties for the selected account\nAccount Properties
32816 Modify this mailbox with the Wizard\nMailbox Wizard`
32819 Compose a new signature\nCompose Signature (Ctrl+S)
32820 Compose a new auto-response message\nCompose Auto-response
32821 Open the selection\nOpen (Enter)
32878 Attach file to this message\nAdd Attachment
32881 Send this message\nSend Message (Ctrl+D)
32890 Reply to this message\nReply to Message (Alt+R)
32895 Forward this message\nForward Message (Alt+D)
32896 Lock this mailbox\nLock Mailbox (F12)
32899 Save this message in the appropriate folder\nSave Message (Ctrl+S)
32901 Save the selected message as a text file with a new name\nSave Message With New Name
32903 Close this message\nClose (Ctrl+F4)
32905 Display large toolbar\nLarge Toolbar
32906 Display small toolbar\nSmall Toolbar
32907 Hide toolbar\nHide Toolbar
32908 Reply to all in this message\nReply to All (Alt+L)
32916 View this message header\nView Header (Alt+V)
32922 Delete the message selection from the mail server\nDelete from Mail Server Now
32929 Compose a new message using this message text\nDuplicate Message (Ctrl+Y)
32955 Display large toolbar with text\nLarge Text Bar
32957 Change the font for this message\nChange Font
32982 Save the selected attachment as a file\nSave Attachment
32983 Delete the selected attachment\nDelete Attachment
32984 View the selected attachment\nView Attachment
32987 Check mail for the selected account\nCheck Mail
32988 Pause check mail for the selected account\nPause Check Mail
32989 Delete this message\nDelete
32992 Send the message selection\nSend Message (Ctrl+D)
32993 Forward the message selection\nForward Message (Alt+D)
32994 Reply to the message selection\nReply to Message (Alt+R)
32995 Reply to all in the message selection\nReply to All (Alt+L)
32996 Rename the selected folder\nRename Folder (F2)
32997 Mark the message selection for mail server deletion\nMark to Delete from Mail Server
32998 Request a return receipt when this message is received\nRequest Return Receipt (Ctrl+1)
32999 Send a blind copy of this message to each recipient\nBlind Send
33000 Delete the selection\nDelete (Del)
33001 View the next message in the summary list\nView Next (Ctrl+PgDn)
33003 View the previous message in the summary list\nView Previous (Ctrl+PgUp)
33004 Add sender's address to the address book\nAdd Address
33007 Save Details as a text file\nSave Details as Text
33015 E-mail Details\nE-mail Details
33016 Redirect the message selection\nRedirect Message (Alt+T)
33017 Redirect this message\nRedirect Message (Alt+T)